Nanopore Genome Sequencing
- Evaluation of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) base calling options
- Careful execution of different computational steps from basecalling to binning of final genome.
- Some steps of this workflow have a high influence on the size and quality of the final genome.
Case Study Nanopore Genome Sequencing

Project Topic:
Reconstruction of microbial genome using long-reads
Project Partner:
GFZ Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam
Sample type:
Enrichment cultures and isolates from soil
Target Molecule:
Laboratory Analysis:
High Accurarcy (HAC) basecalling
Genome assembly
Plasmid detection
Binning and draft genome polishing
Publish genome at NCBI
Bioinformatic Analysis:
Basecalling, taxonomic classification, assembly and binning, genome quality assessment, annotation, metabolic pathway reconstruction
Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) offers long read sequencing by nanopore sequencing. Long reads are well suited for genome reconstruction, still the workflow requires careful execution of different computational steps from basecalling to binning of final genome. Some steps of this workflow have a high influence on the size and quality of the final genome.
More details:
available soon …